Monday, May 28, 2012


I've heard it said before
that a heart cannot be discontent and thankful 
at the same time.
I've also proven this saying over and over and over.
It's so true.
And once you begin,
you rarely feel the need to even dip your toes
into those pools of discontent.

So, for the month of June
I'm going to post something that my heart is thankful for each day.
Though my heart tends to linger in thanksgiving 
in this season,
I feel it's always good to stop and reflect
the many blessings we are given each day.

If you would care to join me,
I would love to read your comments of gratitude.
However, I should warn you:
If you display a heart of gratitude,
people will look at you with wonder;
they will be drawn to you;
they will wonder what is going on with you;
they won't get it.

And that's okay.


  1. Every day- how ambitious! Looking forward to being thankful with you.

    1. HAHAHA! No kidding! Once I pressed 'enter' though, it was a done deal. :) And I already know what I'll be thankful for on June 8th, so there's one down! CANNOT WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thankful that God really does suprise us with overflowing blessings. He really delights in doing this, and is just waiting to hear from us! :)
