Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Campout.

For Mother's Day, I wanted to go camping.
I really just wanted to go camping, 
but I knew that if I just asked for it for Mother's Day,
then it would indeed take place.

We went out to a local lake;
found the perfect spot;
were practically eaten alive by ticks;
ate s'mores;
biked on hilly, forest-y roads;
and I took pictures.

I don't really get to just take pictures anymore.
Okay, well now that Instagram is on Androids,
I actually do
(you can find me at @sheislaughing).
But I don't get to just go out and get lost in the beauty around me.
So, this weekend was for that, too.
And that made me very happy.

Can't you tell from the pictures below?? 
I was being artistic,
and apparently I am serious about it!

The small town that the lake is near was a perfect place to just get lost in for awhile.
I tried to get a picture of this beautiful dog sitting out in her yard,
thinking to myself that maybe that wasn't the coolest thing to do right in front of 
someone's house,
and sure enough the owner came running out.
But he actually didn't mind at all once we chatted and became best pals,
because that's just what people do with me.
(Really, they do. I know the most random things
about the most random people
that I really don't need to know,
but I just have a face that makes people talk...
obviously, from the photos above.)

It ended up being just what I needed.
I felt refreshed and renewed...
once I was home in my air-conditioned house and showered.

Have the most lovely day...
and if you have the opportunity,
get lost for awhile.

1 comment:

  1. Camping is a whole week event: three days of prep, one night of camping, three days of recovery. =) Beautiful pictures.
