Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Photographs: Instagram'n it up

Top Left to Bottom Right: Wynonna Judd concert with my closest long-time pal who happens to love Wynonna... a lot./ 'BE AWESOME TODAY' sign made with duct tape and vinyl letters/ Out on the town accessories/ Fudge and Fudge/ Trying to contain Little Mister/ Vintage Banker's Chair... steal of the week at $7.50/ The little ladies and I imagining.

I mentioned in my last post that I love Instagram. I need you to know though that I LOVE it, love it, LOVE IT.  It's my new kick, and I hope it stays around for a long time.

PS: I'm still on a "Vintage Find High" from finding that chair for $7.50... YEAH, SEVEN DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS!!!!!

PS2: My friend and I had tickets on the back row on the floor at the Wynonna concert... not 10 minutes into it, her assistant came over and asked us if we wanted to move to the front row. I bought a Wynonna Judd cassette tape in eighth grade... so I knew the words to, uh, three songs... but you better believe Wynonna Judd didn't know that because I don't care who's on stage playing, if I get to sit on the front row at a concert, I am livin'... it... up!

Have an ever so lovely weekend!


  1. Oh my goodness I love those chalk photos. What a fun and cute idea!

    1. Amanda, it's SO fun! The kids love it, I love it... and it keeps us all busy for a good while!
