Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday Photographs: A Baby, A Birthday, A Little Local Flair

This weekend brings: A Birthday Party, some Lovebirds to photograph, and a family luncheon.
Have a lovely weekend!

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Thing About People...

... well, that's just it... they're people.

We aren't like dogs who completely overlook offenses as long as you scratch their ears and throw a stick.
We aren't like cats who find your leg, arm, or face and nuzzle into it asking for attention when they want/need attention.

Nope. Instead we let our feelings get hurt and we rarely let people know what we really need.

And not everyone has a blog where they can spill out their emotions hoping all their family and friends read it and then just know what to do. {Don't worry (or for some of you, don't get excited), I'm not about to do that.}

None of us were created to be alone. I mean, look at Adam and Eve... the first human being needed a companion... because the animals weren't doing the trick. But on the other hand, we also weren't created to suck the life out of people with our dependent neediness! When you find that perfect middle ground in a relationship, it's something to behold.

And getting to that point can be hard; it can be painful; it can be humbling. Because to get to this point in a relationship, sometimes you have to put feelings aside... and communication is key.

Sometimes you have to look past a person's face and really look into their eyes to see what's going on in their heart (ever notice how many people don't make eye contact...).

Sometimes you have to ask people what's going on in theirs.
Sometimes you have to tell people what's going on in yours.

We all want to be known, to be loved. Even the most independent of us, want someone to know us so well, they know just how to love us... even if we only let that one someone do it every so often. We still want it... and need it.

And some people are just better at this than others. Some people just know how to make you feel good. They listen to your every word. They laugh with you when things are funny. They're not afraid to be sad with you. And they always know just what you need to hear, or when to give you a hug.

They love you. Not "They love YOU"... but, "They LOVE you." They LOVE people in general. They humbly put themselves aside, and in doing that, they create space to genuinely love those around them.

And they don't humbly put themselves aside never caring for their own needs. In fact, most of the time their needs are met BY loving those around them because they have a sincere interest in and a desire to genuinely spread Love.

It seems so simple. Yet there are so few who can really actively do it. Because initially putting yourself aside is not fun. Not even a little. We want what we want, when we want it. And it's hard to think that someone else's needs could take precedence over our own. But...

Love is patient and kind;
love does not envy or boast;
it is not arrogant or rude.

It does not insist on its own way;
it is not irritable or resentful;
it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.

Love bears all things;
believes all things;
hopes all things;
endures all things. (1 Corinthians 13:4-6)

Eegh... I may need to work on a few... or all of these things because at some point in my life here on earth, I want to be actively spreading Love... in every moment I'm given, not just every so often.

It's exercise. It takes training. But eventually it will just become second-nature. Oooh, I long for this day (there's probably a few others around me longing for this for me as well!).

Start small this week... practice patience and kindness. It will be hard. You'll think to yourself, "Eeeasy. I'm so patient and kind to people."
And then you'll get around people.
Don't fret! Just practice... and just keep practicing until you get it. And even once you have it down, you're still going to have to practice.

So, this week practice patience and kindness.
We'll meet back here; same time, same place... okay, probably not the same time, but definitely same place.

Spread Love, friends.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Saturday Snapshots

Goodness! These make me smile... over and over again. Have a magnificent weekend!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Market and some CUTENESS!

Preparing for The Red Barn Outdoor Market is in full swing! This means a few things for me... my mind has just a few more things than usual swimming around in it... uh, like the 56 Vendors that are participating this season!!! I'm so incredibly excited, humbled, and feel so blessed by work of my Creator's Hands. Through this opportunity, I'm learning so much about people, business, myself, and just life in general. It's incredible.

And then there are the people who are always on my mind...

That little superhero is turning three next week. Goodness, they are cute... and full of life! I've been enjoying them so much this week. They're all at growing points in their lives that are so exciting and {mostly} enjoyable. Just being able to see them interacting with one another is one of the most enjoyable and entertaining parts of my day.

So, the Creative in me is working together with the Business Woman in me to get some things done in these next few weeks to provide people with an incredible experience! The Mom/Wife/Teacher/Playmate/Sister/Daughter/Friend in me... is trying to keep up!

And I love it.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Photographs: Instagram'n it up

Top Left to Bottom Right: Wynonna Judd concert with my closest long-time pal who happens to love Wynonna... a lot./ 'BE AWESOME TODAY' sign made with duct tape and vinyl letters/ Out on the town accessories/ Fudge and Fudge/ Trying to contain Little Mister/ Vintage Banker's Chair... steal of the week at $7.50/ The little ladies and I imagining.

I mentioned in my last post that I love Instagram. I need you to know though that I LOVE it, love it, LOVE IT.  It's my new kick, and I hope it stays around for a long time.

PS: I'm still on a "Vintage Find High" from finding that chair for $7.50... YEAH, SEVEN DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS!!!!!

PS2: My friend and I had tickets on the back row on the floor at the Wynonna concert... not 10 minutes into it, her assistant came over and asked us if we wanted to move to the front row. I bought a Wynonna Judd cassette tape in eighth grade... so I knew the words to, uh, three songs... but you better believe Wynonna Judd didn't know that because I don't care who's on stage playing, if I get to sit on the front row at a concert, I am livin'... it... up!

Have an ever so lovely weekend!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Daily DIY: Instagram + Washi Tape Calendar

I love Instagram {@sheislaughing}. I love having my camera with me, but honestly with three littles hanging on me, jumping on me, and wanting me to hold them, my phone just has to be able to do the trick most of the time when we're out and about.

I received this Instagram Calendar as one of the gifts from the Handmade Gift Swap that I did last year. I've had several ideas of how to display it, but nothing really came about, until... 

I was picking things up around the house and looked over and saw the calendar sitting near my Washi Tape (um, yep, you guessed it... The Plaid Barn) and had the brilliantly simple idea to just tape each month together and then hang it on the wall (I used the Command adhesive strips).

I love it. It hangs perfectly on the wall in the room off of our kitchen, so I see it all the time. And I smile every time I see it.

You can make your own Instagram art here (there are so many options!), and get some pretty Washi Tape here (as well as lots of other awesome crafty supplies!). This was a great gift, and now I can't wait to make my own personalized Instagram art. And Washi Tape may be my new addiction.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Two Things I Love:

{You can read about just HOW much I love The Plaid Barn here.}

And guess what???
 THE PLAID BARN is hosting a GIVEAWAY!!!

In celebration of how awesome the first six months of business have been,
they are giving away a Fuji Instax 7 + five twin packs of film!!

There are 4 ways to enter to win, 
so head on over here for your opportunity to win.

And if you haven't already, 
while you're there be sure to sign up for their incredible daily deals!