Wednesday, February 27, 2013

LOVE is: Saying I'm Sorry

Here's a little word picture...

Imagine two bears living side by side in the woods, in a cozy little bear cave.

Sometimes one bear snags an extra fish out of the creek because the other bear isn't as good at catching fish.

Sometimes one bear shares the honeycomb that it found with the other bear, because it knows how much the other bear loves honey.

They play a lot together. They like each other more often than they don't like each other.

But sometimes they can get a little rough with one another. And one bear feels attacked, so it scratches back just a bit more harshly. Then the other bites back with just a little bit more intention. Then the growling begins. And the woods feel dark.

And even after living in the woods together for quite awhile, sometimes it's still hard to find the break in the trees overhead that would shed just enough light from above to let them see what they looked like before one bear scratched too deeply.

And then the other bear retrieves to the cave.

Shortly after, the other bear shifts just enough to look up and see the light from above. And the light shows very clearly the path to the cave where the other bear is inside nursing its wounds.

And the bear outside slowly walks into the cave, wanting so much just to run and wrap it's arms around the other bear, and quietly offers an "I'm sorry."

And sometimes there are bear hugs that follow and sometimes there aren't.

But the bears love one another with a mighty love and they always will.

Monday, February 25, 2013

LOVE is: A White Blanket

This is Snuggle Bear and her faithful cuddler. There's no match on Earth for the love she has or the security that she finds in her white blanket.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

LOVE is: Snow Days

Snow has fallen (a LOT of snow!!) and it has given us the opportunity to slooooow down and play and just enjoy moments together.

Friday, February 22, 2013

LOVE is: Sister Snuggles

I have two younger brothers and while I'm sure we probably snuggled once in awhile as youngsters, I don't recall it and we don't do much of it now... as that would be kind of weird AND we all have plenty of other Loves in our lives to snuggle with.

However, I can't get enough of these two snugglers. I hope they always share an affectionate love with one another... mainly because it makes me completely melt.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

LOVE is: Sacrifice

{There are a few choice words in this video...}

I realize that not everyone has the opportunity to sacrifice to this extreme to pursue a passion, nor is it usually the wise choice for most to do so, but I love seeing stories like this where an idea in someone's mind turns into something real... and beautiful.

But I'm also a dreamer...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

LOVE is: Handmade Birthday Cards

My little baby girl turns five today.


Monday, February 18, 2013

LOVE is: Love Notes

I love getting love notes...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

LOVE is: Daisies

Even though I already have fresh flowers in the house right now; even though these will soon die as well (as any logical thinking mind will attest and why would you spend money on something that is just going to die???), my Love brought me Daisies.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

LOVE is: Tiny Gold-rimmed Bowls

I love pottery. I love gold. When I first saw The Object Enthusiast at a local market here, I fell in love with the pottery of Emily Reinhardt. Then I told her over and over how much I loved her work, to the point that she probably began feeling uncomfortable, and then I just stared at it all for several minutes. 

It's all just so beautiful.

And me, being the Romantic that I am, love every single aspect of a hard lump of clay molded into something that I can't take my eyes off of.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

LOVE is: Messy Hair and Rosy Cheeks

One of the best moments of each day is when this little guy wakes up from his nap with his hair everywhere and the rosiest cheeks you'll ever find to kiss; he reaches out to me with a huge smile and wraps his arms around me and I melt.

Monday, February 11, 2013

LOVE is: Reading

All those dreamy blue eyes...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

LOVE is: Sharing Popcorn...

...and blankets, and snuggles, and laughs while watching The Million Dollar Duck on a Sunday afternoon.

Friday, February 8, 2013

LOVE is: Refrigerator Art

Two things I love so much about this picture:
Lucy colored the background blue.
She wanted her signature (top left) to look like the printed letters.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

LOVE is: Making Fajitas For Dinner...

... even though I drank this little juice cocktail for dinner.

The Daily DIY: Mercury Glass

You'll need:
Krylon Looking Glass Spray Paint
Any Glass Jar

Music: Generator^First Floor by Freelance Whales

Depending on how thick you spray the paint on and how much vinegar you let sit, will decipher what look you end up with. I like the way this turned out because it looks a bit aged now, but it's subtle.

This is such an easy way to add a little "antique" to your decor even if you don't have the real thing.
Have a lovely day!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

LOVE is: A Hand-stitched Quilt

I recently purchased this tattered quilt at an estate sale. It was a wedding gift given in 1922.

Friday, February 1, 2013

LOVE is: Building Blocks

Each day, two sisters build GRAND block towers and cities...

... for the sole purpose of making this little Buddy happy by knocking them down.

Small Things.

via The Wheatfield by Katie Daisy
For the month of February, I'm going to {okay... try my best to} photograph LOVE in some form or another each day whether via Instagram or with my camera.

"Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love."
Mother Teresa